Meet Our Faculty

Sara Flansburg

Preschool Teacher

Ms. Flansburg calls her classroom her "happy place." A literacy lover, she is otherwise found in the library reading new research on child development.
Impacting Students
I like to teach social-emotional skills throughout the preschool year. Students carry these skills with them their whole lives and this lesson can impact the trajectory of their education.
Lifelong Learner
I recently attend a Conscious Discipline workshop which helped me identify ways to make my class feel like a family. I also learned concrete ways of honoring students.
Favorite Teaching Moment
Seeing a child reach out with compassion to another child.
Favorite Thing About Working at Graland
I have the independence and support to be creative in my practice.
Outside of Graland...
I am a founding member of the board of Rocky Mountain Diaper depot, a charity which collects and distributes diapers to agencies that serve those with the least power in our community, babies in poverty.
Chicago, Illinois
Also Known As...
Compensation Task Force Member, Trainer in ECLC
Joined Graland In...
Bachelor's in Psychology from Occidental College

Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.