
Welcome New Families

Dear New Graland Families,
I am so excited to welcome you to our community. Next year will be my 24th year at Graland. I feel so grateful to the Graland community for how much it has helped me develop personally and professionally and equally grateful for how much Graland helped my two children who attended Graland grow as scholars, athletes, artists, and leaders. I look forward to partnering with you over the coming years to ensure that Graland provides your family a similar opportunity for growth.
On this website, you will discover many resources to help your transition into our community, including information about upcoming ways to meet other new parents and students. Beyond this website, we provide other sources to help guide you through the Graland experience, including informational events and an ambassador family. In addition to these supports, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the admission team and ask any question you may have.
Again, I enthusiastically welcome you to the Graland community and look forward to seeing you on campus soon.
Josh Cobb
Head of School

New Family Events

List of 13 items.

  • Welcome to Middle School

    For Incoming Grade 5 - Grade 8 Students and Parents
    Thursday, April 3, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
    In-Person Event on Graland's Campus

    Come meet other new Middle School families (Grades 5-8). Students will get to play games while parents learn more about the upcoming school year. Casual dress; refreshments included. Click here to register.
  • Jump into Middle School at Graland

    For Incoming Grade 5 - Grade 8 Students and Parents
    Thursday, April 10, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
    In-Person Event on Graland's Campus

    Join us for a preview of all the fun ahead in Middle School! Explore campus, meet Graland teachers and hear from the Head of Middle School, Marti Champion. This is a great event for both parents and students to attend! Click here to register.
  • Parent Zoom Event: What to Expect in Lower School

    For Incoming Preschool-Grade 4 Parents
    Wednesday, April 16, noon
    Virtual Event 

    Join Head of Lower School, Nan Remington, and current Graland parents as they share things to look forward to in lower school. There will be plenty of time to answer any questions you might have about what to expect next school year. Zoom details will be emailed prior to the event.
  • Parent Zoom Event: What to Expect in Middle School

    For Incoming Grade 5-8 Parents
    Tuesday, April 29, noon
    Virtual Event

    Join Head of Middle School, Marti Champion and current Graland parents as they share things to look forward to in middle school. There will be plenty of time to answer any questions you might have about what to expect next year. Zoom details will be emailed prior to the event.
  • Parent Zoom Event: How to Get Involved at Graland

    For All Incoming Parents
    Tuesday, May 6, noon
    Virtual Event

    Get to know Graland team members and incoming Graland Parent Association President, Christine Loeffler, as she shares fun ways to get involved at Graland. Whether helping at a community-wide event or in the library, dining hall or classroom, there are lots of ways to get involved at Graland! Zoom details will be emailed prior to the event.
  • Coffee with Head of School, Josh Cobb

    For All Incoming Parents
    Monday, May 12, 9:00-10:00 a.m.
    In-person Event on Graland's Campus

    Join us for a casual morning coffee with Graland's Head of School, Josh Cobb. Meet other new families, chat with Josh, and learn more about the Graland-parent partnership as we start this new journey with your family. This event is for adults only. Click here to register.
  • Lower School New Students and Families BBQ

    For Incoming Preschool-Grade 4 Families
    Sunday, May 18, 4:00-5:30 p.m.
    In-Person Event on Graland's Campus

    Food and fun! Join other new families (Preschool through Grade 4) for this casual, get-acquainted afternoon on campus. Click here to register. 
  • New Family Happy Hour

    For All Incoming Parents
    Thursday, June 12, 6:00-7:00 p.m. Lowry Beer Garden. Green Pad Area. No registration required.

    Thursday, August 7, 6:00-7:00 p.m. 
    Lowry Beer Garden. Green Pad Area. No registration required.

    Join us for this casual gathering, hosted by a current Graland family. Happy Hour is a great opportunity to get to know other new parents and to get excited about starting at Graland in the fall. Please note, Happy Hour is for adults only.
  • Preschool/PreK and Kindergarten Play Dates in the Park

    Get acquainted with other incoming Graland Preschool/PreK and Kindergarten families at these casual summer play dates. Join us at the Robinson Park playground just blocks from the Graland campus.  

    Preschool/PreK Play Dates:

    Thursday, June 26, 4:00 p.m.

    Monday, July 21, 4:00 p.m.

    Tuesday, August 12, 4:00 p.m.

    Kindergarten Play Dates:

    Wednesday, June 25, 4:00 p.m.

    Thursday, July 10, 4:00 p.m.

    Saturday, August 9, 10:00 a.m.
  • Middle School Great Starts

    Mon - Thurs, August 4 - 7, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
    For New Grade 5 - Grade 8 Students
    New Middle School students get a head start on their transition to Graland with our Great Starts program. This is a chance for students to learn all about day-to-day life at Graland. With plenty of time to explore campus and make new friends, your middle schooler will feel right at home on the first day of school! There is no cost for this program. Click here to register.
  • Middle School Great Starts: World Language

    For Incoming Grade 6 and Grade 7 Students

    Mon - Thurs, August 4 - 7, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. 
    Summer World Language Camp is a fantastic chance for kids to practice and learn either French or Spanish in a fun way. Students will review and learn new material through a variety of engaging and interactive activities - from singing and dancing to skits and role-playing with an emphasis on grammar and useful vocabulary. There is no cost for this program. Please choose either French or Spanish when you register. Click here to register.
  • Summer Fun at Graland

    Be sure to check out Graland's summer programs. The Preschool/PreK and Kindergarten Readiness camps are a great opportunity for new students to familiarize themselves with Graland’s campus and make new friends! Registration opens Thursday, March 6th. Visit for more information. 

    Camp Dates: 
    July 28-August 1
  • New Parent Reception

    For All New Parents
    Wednesday, August 20, 5:30-7 p.m.
    Graland's Campus

    Please join us for a new parents cocktail reception. Meet other new parents and Graland's leadership team. This event is for adults only. Wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverages and appetizers will be served. Click here to register.

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Kieffer Williams

    Ms. Kieffer Williams 

    Director of Admission
  • Photo of Courtney Leigh

    Mrs. Courtney Leigh 

    Admission Associate
  • Photo of Sarah Burgess

    Mrs. Sarah Burgess 

    Admission Associate

Have Questions?

Call us anytime at 303-399-8361.

Graland Bus Service

Getting to school on time is a top priority each morning. The Graland bus service just might make your mornings calmer, easier, and less stressful! Bus routes are established each summer, before school begins. To see this year’s bus routes and times click here.

For more information contact: Juan Botello.

Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.