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School Stories

Cup of Conversation

Where a teachers favorite coffee is paired with thoughtful insights.

In this issue, Graland educators share the thought-provoking questions students have asked and the lessons they’ve learned from them. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading the heartfelt responses – perhaps with a cup of coffee in hand!
Sarah Jackson - Lower School Science Teacher
Order: Chai Tea Latte
“In Kindergarten science a student asked me, ‘Can rainbows happen at night?’ The answer is yes! It’s called a moonbow or lunar rainbow and only happens when moonlight is refracted through water droplets in the air. I loved this question because it’s something I had never thought of before. This student was using their knowledge of how rainbows form and how the moon is illuminated to challenge the idea that rainbows could only happen during the day. Talk about critical thinking!”

Andrea Crane - Art Teacher
Order: A Cortado
“During a lesson about Andy Warhol and his famous portraits (which included Marilyn Monroe), a student asked, ‘Did Marilyn Monroe drink raw eggs as part of her morning ritual?’ Intrigued by the connection they made, I promised to find out. This question sparked a sense of inquisitiveness, highlighting how students often draw unexpected, fascinating insights from our lessons. I discovered that, indeed, Marilyn drank raw eggs as part of her morning routine, and we all learned something new together.”
Elizabeth Leddy - Lower School Innovation Specialist
Order: Vanilla Latte
“A few times a week, students see me on campus and ask, ‘When is our next Tinker Time?!’ Although we have projects planned out for later in the year, this question has inspired me to find creative ways to fit Tinker Time into the already incredible and robust curricula our students experience at Graland every day.”
Lealy Murphy - Grade 3 Teacher
Order: Spicy Chai with Oat Milk
“A student once asked me, ‘Mrs. Murphy, are your glasses real?’ This simple question made me realize that my students view me as a person, not just their teacher, and appreciate the genuine connections we share.”

Jeff Wolkoff - Grade 7 History Teacher 
Order: Caramel Macchiato
“One of the best questions I’ve ever been asked as a teacher was, ‘Why do we study history if we can’t change the past?’ This question really hit me because it shows how students are trying to make sense of what they’re learning. I realized that it’s important to explain that history isn’t just about memorizing dates and events; it’s about understanding the context of our world today. I told the student that by studying history, we can learn from past mistakes, appreciate different cultures, and see how decisions affect the future. This question sparked a great discussion in class and reminded me how essential it is to connect history to students’ lives.”
Sean Keefe - Middle School Flex Teacher
Order: Black Coffee
“Last year, a sixth grader asked me, ‘Is it harder to be a teacher or a student, Mr. Keefe?’ I was both floored and happy by such a compelling question. Our conversation then examined the roles of both the teacher and the student and how the two roles serve as teachers for one another. Students teach so much to their teachers, and the teacher is gifted with the opportunity to help the students along their path!”

Graland Country Day School

Graland Country Day School is a private school in Denver, Colorado, serving students in preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school. Founded in Denver in 1927, Graland incorporates a rich, experiential learning approach in a traditional classroom setting, emphasizing the development of globally and socially conscious leaders who excel academically.